At Greenacre we are passionate about making sure every child gets the most out of their education and become life-long learners.
Our primary school programme is based on the National Curriculum for England, a highly respected curriculum designed to teach the skills and knowledge your child needs to succeed in the 21st Century.
It has been slightly adapted to reflect our school’s location in Thailand and incorporate our green vision.
The education of the ‘whole child’ matters just as much as developing them as learners. Personal, Social Health Education is a part of this. We teach it at all Key Stages, equipping students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to take responsibility for themselves, show respect for others and develop self-awareness and confidence.
Our classes are small to enable children to receive the individual support and attention that they need.
Greenacre students are encouraged to go above and beyond, not only in their academic subject areas but also in sport and the creative arts. Class teachers and specialists teach English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology (D&T), Computing, Physical Education (P.E) and Swimming.
A range of extra-curricular activities are offered every term to add to your child’s learning experience at Greenacre. Other events organised throughout the year help to develop your child as a valued member of the community; these include, field trips, themed days, music and drama productions, community projects, fundraising events, house challenges and sporting competitions.
Communication between parents and teachers
Parent meetings occur twice in the year and allow parents the opportunity to meet with each of their child’s teachers to discuss their progress and any queries arising from the reports . The first meeting happens in October after the first report and the second is in July after their second report . Parents are welcome to contact the school at any time if they have concerns about the progress of their child